Enumeration, Alternative Way of Implementing and Using Enums in C# 🚀

In this post, I will try to explaing an alternative way to use instead of enums. I already mentioned enums here. Enums can be used in many places in our code base, especially in control flows. It’s enough for most cases but some situations can be problematic. Let’s say you are using the same enum in many control flows to decide the behaviour of the process. In this case, we scatter the business information throughout the program. At that point, we break down Open-Closed principle and make it hard to maintain because if we need a new enum value we should review all these and most likely change them explicitly.

For example, you have a system and there are service points to serve customer as a bank. In order to represent this, we can create an enum ServicePointType as below,

public enum ServicePointType : byte
    IndependentAtm = 1,

We need to set a max amount for daily withdrawing limit. We can simply achieve that like this,

public interface IWithdraw
    public bool Withdraw(Account account);

public class Account
    public decimal Balance { get; set; }

    public ServicePointType ServicePointType { get; set; }

    public ServicePointTypeEnumeration? ServicePointTypeEnumeration { get; set; }

public class WithdrawService : IWithdraw
    public bool Withdraw(Account account)
        if (!CanWithdraw(account))
            return false;

        // todo

        return true;

    private static bool CanWithdraw(Account account)

        // todo validations

        return GetLimit(account.ServicePointType) >= account.Balance;

    private static decimal GetLimit(ServicePointType servicePointType) => servicePointType switch
        ServicePointType.IndependentAtm => 5_000.000m,
        ServicePointType.BankAtm => 50_000.000m,
        ServicePointType.Bank => decimal.MaxValue,
        _ => default

In the above code, we simulate an imaginary scenario that checks limit to withdraw money. Suppose there was a new ServicePointType, we would have to add that value into WithdrawService. We can achieve the same functionality without a switch statement and more object-oriented way. We can do this with Enumeration class which c# provides us.

Let’s add a new Enumeration class as a base,

public class Enumeration : IComparable
    public int Id { get; private set; }

    public string Name { get; private set; }

    protected Enumeration(int id, string name) => (Id, Name) = (id, name);

    public override string ToString() => Name;

    public static IEnumerable<T> GetAll<T>() where T : Enumeration =>
        typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public |
                            BindingFlags.Static |
                .Select(x => x.GetValue(null))

    public int CompareTo(object? other)

        return Id.CompareTo(((Enumeration)other).Id);

We created Enumeration class as a base class. It’s very similar to typical enums. There are Id and Name fields that represent it. The constructor has a protected keyword because only subclasses can access and use it. We override the ToString method to give the same behaviour as ServicePointType because when we call Console.WriteLine(ServicePointType.Bank)) it will write Bank text to output. The next method we implemented is GetAll<T> to be able to use instead of Enum.GetValue<TEnum>(). It uses System.Reflection the same as enum. The last method is CompareTo(object? other) which comes from IComparable interface to compare and sort their values. It’s same as Microsoft official implementation as you can find here.

Now, we can inherit Enumeration class as below,

public class ServicePointTypeEnumeration : Enumeration
    public static readonly ServicePointTypeEnumeration IndependentAtm = new(1, nameof(IndependentAtm), 5_000.000m);

    public static readonly ServicePointTypeEnumeration BankAtm = new(2, nameof(BankAtm), 50_000.000m);

    public static readonly ServicePointTypeEnumeration Bank = new(3, nameof(Bank), decimal.MaxValue);

    protected ServicePointTypeEnumeration(int id, string name, decimal limit) : base(id, name)
        Limit = limit;

    public decimal Limit { get; set; }

In the above, we created three instances of ServicePointTypeEnumeration and they are shared across application. We give them related initial values in the place where they were created. We also extended with Limit property to access from outside without needing a switch statement.

Note: As you recognize, one of the most important points is that we are using class type(reference type) instead of enum which is the value type. Therefore, we can enrich our objects as a benefit of object-oriented.

Let’s modify our WithdrawService class to use it,

public class WithdrawService : IWithdraw
    public bool Withdraw(Account account)
        if (!CanWithdraw(account))
            return false;

        // todo

        return true;

    private static bool CanWithdraw(Account account)

        // todo validations

        return account.ServicePointTypeEnumeration!.Limit >= account.Balance;

The difference from the previous implementation is that we don’t need GetLimit(ServicePointType servicePointType) method anymore because we already have limit value internally set. All we need is to access Limit property.

This is not limited just Limit property. There can be any other object-related field you can extend or change behaviour. For example, enums doesn’t support implicit conversion(you can find more detail here). We can implement it easily. All we need is to add one line of code to Enumeration base class as below,

public static implicit operator int(Enumeration enumeration) => enumeration.Id;

Now, code is valid as below,

int bank = ServicePointTypeEnumeration.Bank;

As a result, enums are pretty enough in most cases but there could be some scenarios we can give solutions from a different perspective via Enumeration. If you’re unsure about needing it, you should probably go with enum.

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Last Updated at 05-05-2024